Saturday, April 7, 2007

Prickles group is established in 2006 by founder Woo Vincent. Although still a new born baby in today’s giant and ever changing business world, Prickles Group is already a household name in its own country Malaysia and are now fast grabbing the attention of the world. With its great management and powerful strategy, Prickles Group often made it towards the world headlines and are often compare with those of other gigantic company such as Virgin group, MAS airlines and EMI production among others.
In short, the Prickle’s Group are nothing more than a unique combination of various business lines using the name Prickles. Among the various business lines includes specialization in fisheries and prawns, entertainment business, movies productions, airlines services for domestics, and also in clothing designs and accessories.
Prickle’s group consist of five major field:
· Prickle’ s entertainment
· Prickle’s production
· Prickle’s design
· Prickle’s airline services
· Prickle’s fisheries and prawn

Most people believes that woo Vincent, the founder of prickles group had made a good decision to introduces this prickle’s entertainment franchises. This franchises which made prickles the household name in its own country, Malaysia and also to other neighborhood countries such as Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, and Sumatra. Prickle’s entertainment have it all from circus performances and live band to cultural dances all from around the world and also from its countries itself. Surprisingly, most performers are founded in school, colleges, and universities all around the world. Woo Vincent believes that each and every teenagers have a dream to become a star and that everyone had a special charisma and ability to attracts fans. “ I just prepared the stages and audiences and maybe some motivation for them to perform, and they will do the rest” he said.

Although just started operation for least than a years, prickle’s production has already produces three movies which is Pertarungan terakhir (a classic movies about the legendary fight among hang tuah and hang jebat), first bite (an anime about a vampire who fall in love with a village’s girl) and legends (which revolves about two man and their wacky adventures in a world of mystical and magics). All three have won numerous awards including best pictures, best director, best actors (whom woo Vincent was awarded for his lead roles in the movies legends).

For this franchises, woo Vincent was reported to pay for almost RM3.5 billion to the MAS airlines to acquires its licensing rights. This airline services which operate domestically from north to south carries its passengers at a killing low rate prices which actually cannibalizes its profit during the first half year of operation. In fact, it was reportedly that woo Vincent actually incurred losses amounting to RM1.5 billion during the first three months of its operation. On why he insisted to continue the operation, he said that with the airline services, it could actually helps the communities to travel around the country at low rate and more quickly.

This business is the first business ventures by woo Vincent. His interest in fisheries and prawns has developed since the day he started for aquaculture class. He dream that he will one day managed his own farm and hopes to become the main provider and supplier of fishes and prawn for his own countries. With the help from a private firm, woo Vincent has managed to buy a used fishing pond for RM8 million.

Prickles design is a new ventured with his old school friends and it is also woo Vincent 5th business ventures. “to recalled well this is the first idea that come to me when I was 16 years old. Me and my friend had planned to opened our own boutique selling our self made design clothes and accessories” he said. Besides his own design titled Prickles itself, woo Vincent has also acquired the right to sell other brands in his boutique such as hurley, vans, atticus, rocket and silver star. To date, woo Vincent has more than 35 shops in the country’s capital itself, 89 shops in other states and about 238 shops all around the world!

Born in 1986, 2nd December and raised in a middle income family. Since a child, woo Vincent was often shifting from place to place due to his father occupation. His father was a manager in an estate plantation before becoming a self entrepreneur. His father which was his main inspiration has had involved in various form of business from managing farm plantation to maid agency. “I think business have been the tradition in my family,

my grandfather used to own a biscuit shop back in the 80’s and so was my dad being a self entrepreneur. I was just trying to keep up the family tradition!” he said. Woo Vincent finished his study in University Utara Malaysia with a degree in bachelor of banking (HONS). He then work for the Bank Negara Malaysia as a executive in loan department. In person, he was well known for his charisma and positive approach in his job. He work well along side with people and was showing the trait of a born leader. Two year after working for BNM, he finally quitted his stable job and venture out into the complicated work of business. With great vision and well planned strategies, Prickles Group was established. Under his control and management, his business show dramatics growth and many people was amused by him, in which the prime minister proclaimed as “a Malaysia success story”.

As the organization started to gain various attention from all around the world, its founder himself was not spared. In person, he was appearing on various magazine and newspaper and talk show. His amazing achievement in such short time had spurred speculation that he was one of the greatest man born and to some extent, he was thought to be god by certain party.
Even man like Donald Trump and Richard Branson wanted to meet this Prickle’s founder face to face. “he was indeed a born great man, the way he act and styles amused me. He is the type of person you will never found anywhere else” said Donald Trump.